
The future of skin cancer therapy, today.



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Welcome to PlanXOncology, your trusted partner in non-melanoma skin cancer care.

Our dedicated team offers personalized services, including free screenings, expert care coordination, biopsies, and advanced Rhenium-SCT® therapy.

Discover our innovative approach for optimal outcomes with minimal discomfort and excellent aesthetic results.

Single Session



Our services

Free Skin Cancer Screening

Care Coordination

Rhenium-SCT® Treatment

Where to get treated?

Have you been diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer?
Find a treatment location near you or utilize the referral program below.




Single Session

The Rhenium-SCT (Skin Cancer Therapy) is a specialized state-of-the-art brachytherapy utilizing the radioisotope Rhenium-188, a beta-emitter which in this case is used for the treatment of basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin.

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188W/188Re Generator

Production of high-energy beta emitting 188Re


Various sizes available

up to 150GBq (4Ci) 188W

Various sizes available

up to 150GBq (4Ci) 188W

Various sizes available

up to 150GBq (4Ci) 188W

Various sizes available

up to 150GBq (4Ci) 188W

Who we are

At PlanXOncology, we are committed to providing specialized care for patients with non-melanoma skin cancer. Our team comprises experienced doctors, oncology nurses, and care coordinators who are passionate about delivering personalized, patient-centered care.